Reporting : Babay Suiah – Editor in Chief : Hairuzaman.
The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) of Cilegon City, held a Workshop on the Prevention of Eradication of Narcotics Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (P4GN). The event was held at the Forbis Hotel, South Ring Road, Cilegon City, on Wednesday (26/10/2022).
Cilegon City BNN public relations officer, Ikbal said, the P4GN Workshop was attended by 20 schools, such as SMP/SMA/SMK. Both public and private in Cilegon City. We invited Career Guidance teachers, and was attended by the Head of the Cilegon City Education Office, Hj. .heni, Mayor of Cilegon, Helldy Agustian, and Head of BNN Cilegon, Raden Fajar Winarko.
According to Ikbal, the purpose of the P4GN workshop for junior high schools is to prevent the eradication and illicit trafficking of narcotics.
“Therefore, we invite counseling teachers so that they can educate their students. There must be many activities that are positive and do not fall into drugs,” said Ikbal.”
“My hope is that the entire community, government and businessmen in Cilegon City will prevent and avoid the illicit circulation of Narcotics,” he said.
Ikbal advised students in SMP/SMA/SMK to stay away from drugs. .because drugs can damage physical and mental health.
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