Flag-Raising Troops Must Play an Active Role in Inviting Students to Behave Positively

Reportase : Maman Suherman – Editor In Chief : Hairuzaman.


(Pj) Governor of Banten, Al Muktabar, encouraged Paskibraka coaches to play an active role in inviting their students at school to behave positively and not to do activities that endanger themselves and others.

.this was said by Al Muktabar, after opening the Training of Trainer (ToT) for Paskibraka School supervisors at the SMA/SMK/MA equivalent at the Banten Province level in 2022 which was carried out by Purna Paskibraka Indonesia, Banten Province, at the Purikayana Hotel, Serang City, Wednesday (26/26). 10/2022).

.al Muktabar said Paskibraka coaches had an important role in giving messages to students not to fight, given their position dealing directly with children at school.

.”In order not to be polluted by activities that are not positive, therefore important messages of discipline are needed to them. Because with them being disciplined, it is certain that there will be no time for brawls, because their time will continue to be used for positive activities. .including giving a message to the parents of the students,” he said.

Al Muktabar said, it is very important for Paskibraka to be given the level of physical education. Because it is useful in the preparation process for raising the flag at the regional, provincial and national levels. .however, besides that, education about knowledge and discipline is no less important, moreover, the meaning of discipline is very broad.

“In that discipline there is honesty, integrity, hard work and sportsmanship. .It is important for values ​​like that to be expanded in scope to school children, who will later be handed the relay of leadership of this nation,” he said.

.Therefore, continued Al Muktabar, his party really appreciates activities like this, which can add insight into the nation’s generations. Besides that, on various occasions the sons and daughters of Banten also always take part at the national level.

.”With this activity, it is hoped that later Banten Province can continue to improve its achievements in the Paskibraka world,” he concluded.

Meanwhile, the Chair of the Retired Paskibraka of Banten Province, Rusli Mandailing added, this ToT activity was the first time it was conducted in Banten Province. .ToT participants were 50 people from representatives of all Regencies and Cities in Banten Province. The goal is to equalize the perception of the patterns of coaching post-kibraka children in schools, as their basic education to take them to a higher level.

.”This Paskibraka coach has a very big role, how is he able to produce Paskibraka generations at the regional to national level,” he said.

.Therefore, Rusli, emphasized that in the future this activity will be carried out regularly every year, as a form of preparing leaders for the paskibraka in the future.

Meanwhile, the ToT participant, Ilham Fauzi from SMA President 2 Pandeglang, said he was happy to be able to take part in this activity. .it is hoped that all Paskibraka coaches in Banten will always be united and have a common program in creating quality Paskibraka leaders up to the national level.

.”One of the prevention efforts in preventing the occurrence of brawls, Paskibra will play an active role so that students do not carry out negative activities, starting with regular Paskibraka activities at their schools,” he said

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