Reporting : Maman Suherman – Editor In Chief : Hairuzaman.
The Commander of Korem 064/MY, Brigadier General Tatang Subarna, along with Acting. .the governor of Banten, Al Muktabar, attended a Coordination Meeting related to the synchronization of regional inflation control programs. This is an effort to anticipate inflation in Indonesia, which was held virtually, on Monday (7/11/2022).
Inflation coordination meeting which was attended from the Banten Governor’s Hall, KP3B Curug, Serang City, also appeared to be present, among others, Acting. Governor of Banten, Al Muktabar, Danrem 064/MY, Brigadier General Tatang Subarna, Deputy Head of Banten Police, Brigadier General Pol. Drs. Ery Nursatari, Pj. .Secretary of Banten, M Tranggono, Kasrem 064/MY, Colonel Inf. Nurkhan, Karoops Polda Banten, Kombes Pol. Dedy Suhartono, Banten Prosecutor’s Office and the Forkopimda of Banten Province.
The coordination meeting was guided by the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri), Tito Karnavian, virtually. .The event with resource person Tito Karnavian, took place at the Sasana Bhakti Praja Building, Central Jakarta Ministry of Home Affairs through the Zoom Application, which was also attended by all Governors, Military Commanders, Danrem, Regents and Mayors throughout Indonesia through a zoom meeting.
Danrem 064/MY, Brigadier General Tatang Subarna, said this activity was carried out in order to anticipate and control inflation in Indonesia. .”Today, together with the Governor of Banten, we participated in a Video Conference led by the Minister of Home Affairs to get directions related to anticipating and controlling inflation in Indonesia,” said Danrem.
Meanwhile, in his direction, the Minister of Home Affairs, Tito Karnavian, explained that many countries experienced fluctuations in inflation, such as Europe and Asia. Where there is a number that is quite high and low. That is, the condition of the country is disturbed if inflation is at its lowest position
.”In September 2022, from the figure of 5.54%. Alhamdulillah, Indonesia achieved a decline to 5.71% or minus 0.11. The central government believes this is a contribution from local governments to work together. Therefore, we continue to maintain it,” he explained.
We have to maintain the price of basic necessities, Tito added, the price of services and others. The reason is, this is related to the stomach of the people. Because our economic growth from 5.4 to 5.7 is quite good.
Tito added that several regencies/cities experienced very low inflation, reaching 3.32%. .If this is a problem, we will help. Of course, the discussion of concrete steps to control inflation in the regions is a follow-up to the direction of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, to continue to be carried out in each region
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